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And They Call it Puppy Love

“Wanna go look for a puppy?” That’s exactly what I asked Randy and Sammy immediately after leaving the airport. Sammy and I had just picked Randy up from the airport in the midst of covid, and as soon as my foot hit the gas pedal, I thought I’d pop the question. 

Our beloved dog Scotchee had died exactly four weeks earlier on September 11th, and her love and presence was certainly missing from our home. Sammy, Randy and I had talked about getting another dog but we kept saying maybe it was not the right time. We were persistent in coming up with a reason as to why we should probably wait. 

And then on October 11th, out of nowhere, my impulsive self just threw the question out there as soon as we left the airport. And Sammy and Randy were like, “Why not?” So instead of heading right home, we headed straight to the pet store and fell in love with Clayton who we soon renamed “Charlie.” 

Getting a dog during the coronavirus pandemic is just like going grocery shopping or patronizing another establishment where safety is the number 1 concern. Everyone in the pet store practiced social distancing, wore masks, and greeted us with friendly and helpful customer service.

While Randy was checking out all of the essential items we needed for our new puppy, I was busy making facetime calls to family members and surprising them with our good news! The looks on their faces were priceless!

Once we all climbed in the car, Charlie grabbed hold of WatchMonkey, Sammy’s sandal, his newly purchased dog toys, and whatever else he could get his little puppy mouth and teeth onto. The little screams, smiles, and laughter was medicine that we all needed. We were all definitely in love!

Charlie is a little over 5 months old now and weighs about 5 times his weight when we brought him home. He is rambunctious to say the least! Picture the Kentucky Derby in our home each and every day, and Charlie as the leading horse running all throughout our house! We have put him in puppy training and will soon sign up for another class (or two). He loves to chew on everything and I have to keep reminding myself that he is still a puppy and one day (hopefully), will outgrow chewing on everything. He is so much fun but definitely a lot of work. However, we are very happy with our decision to get him.

Dogs teach us so much. We are delighted that Sammy is growing up with pets. Randy and I grew up with pets in our respective homes and can attest to the advantages of having pets in the home for children. Charlie is Sammy’s third pet in his 5 years of life. Sammy was with both Lexi and with Scotchee as each transitioned to Heaven. When I think back to both of those times, I am grateful that Sammy learned about life and death and how to care for loving as well as sickly animals. Moreover, he learned to love, care, play, laugh, and be friends with his dogs (our family members), and now he is doing it from the very beginning of Charlie’s life. Furthermore, Sammy has learned to be friendly with others, add to his self-esteem, be responsible, and social as a result of growing up with pets in our home. 

Today is National Puppy Day! We are so thankful that Charlie is now ours and a part of our loving family!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. TraceyH

    Dogs are healing. Enjoy.

    1. WatchMonkeyMama

      I couldn’t agree with you more Tracey. They are so loving and definitely assist us emotionally as we are going through life’s circumstances and stressful situations. Thank you for reading my blog and bringing up this very important fact.

  2. Gloria Burke

    Lesley, Such a Fun Read! And…..”A Dog shall teach them.”

    1. WatchMonkeyMama

      Thank you Gloria! Anything dealing with Charlie is definitely fun so I am elated that you enjoyed reading my latest blog post! I know you have canine stories of your own too! 🙂

  3. Roslyn M. Lamb

    As a dog lover and “gram” to two devoted senior dogs I was delighted just seeing Sammy and Charlie together. Nothing quite like a boy and his dog. I know first hand how quickly we become attached to our beloved furbaby’s. Enjoy the many special moments you will share with Charlie.
    Thank you for sharing.
    PS Enjoyed your Women’s History Month conversation on Soapbox diaries.

    1. WatchMonkeyMama

      Thank you so much for reading my blog Ros! I bet your two “Gram” dogs are too adorable! Dogs are truly man’s best friend. I am also glad that you enjoyed the podcast! It was wonderful talking about many things which I am passionate about. Happy Easter and please give all my love to your family.

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