About Lesley

I am wife to Randy, mother to Sammy, and an education consultant and school and homeschool presenter. I also love to blog and hope you enjoy reading them.

Professionally, I spent over three decades as a teacher, literacy coach, principal, assistant superintendent, and adjunct college professor. And I loved it all. Personally, over nine years we suffered multiple miscarriages. And then we were blessed with Sammy. He’s the joy of our lives!

I love supporting families of  homeschoolers as well as those with children in school. Presenting on both topics gives me joy! 

Please reach out to me as well as read my blogs. I share my motherhood journey, provide purposeful insight on educational topics, and dig deep into all kinds of lifestyle matters.

I would love for you to join me on this journey by subscribing below.  You can also contact me at 260.600.9410.