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Crafting with Children

Get out the fabric scraps, pom poms, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, beads, sand, string, glitter, newspaper, feathers, scissors, glue, buttons, and more, and let’s craft with children! 

It is National Children’s Craft Day! 

Yep! There’s even a national day for crafting. And what child (and adult) doesn’t like arts and crafts? We get to sit on the floor or at a table for hours on end with supplies that can often be found around the house or purchased at a reasonable cost. We then get our creative juices flowing and start to cut, sprinkle, fasten, tie, glue, press and everything else our fingers and minds do when creating anything we want. 

Talk about IMAGINATION and FUN!

Children gain in several ways as they create arts and crafts projects. Their fingers and hands are constantly being used so the development of fine motor skills is paramount. They are incorporating the following of directions and cross checking of images and as they are engaging with others about this, their vocabulary is expanding. A sense of accomplishment after every small task prior to completion adds to their self esteem as their creative and artistic expression is on full display. And once the final product is finished, pride steps in and so does lots of praise from others. Moreover, social skills are being enhanced and a talk with your little one to scout your home for a place to showcase their masterpiece is electrifying!

Sammy enjoys arts and crafts with topics of interest to him. It has been key while homeschooling him. Lately, he has been obsessed with the solar system! So we set off to craft planets, rocket ships, and astronauts!

I researched online in advance (at our local Michaels craft store) and was delighted to find awesome arts and crafts kits with hundreds of materials at reasonable costs that aligned with Sammy’s galaxy interest. And when I joined the Rewards program, I earned discounts for future purchases. I highly endorse Michaels!

We love Sammy’s arts and crafts projects and they are displayed throughout our home. 

We absolutely love the Kid Made Modern Arts and Crafts Supply Library – Coloring Arts and Crafts Kit! I purchased it on Amazon. The materials are endless and the projects are amazing! It comes with glue but I also like using our separate glue gun for added strength and longevity. I highly endorse this kit!

These arts and craft kits were purchased at Michaels with everything you need at a great cost! 

Happy Crafting with Children! 

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Paula Causey West

    Sammy is so Blesssed to have such wide range of educational tools can’t wait to see what he decides to be.

    1. WatchMonkeyMama

      Thank you so much for saying this Paula! I hope my blogs can inspire others to plan fun and educational experiences for children. And yes… we can’t wait either to see the path Sammy chooses for his life.

  2. Nancy Brown

    Wonderful that you point out all the skills children learn and develop while participating in arts and crafts. Too bad many schools have discontinued these programs.

    1. WatchMonkeyMama

      First of all, thank you Nancy for reading my fun and educational blog post on “Crafting with Children.” I absolutely love how much children learn when they are fully engaged in enjoyable experiences and take as much time as they want to interact. Moreover, I concur with you about schools stopping this type of hands-on learning for children and youth. It too, is another sad reality.

  3. Jennifer

    Great and inspiring blog! Lots of learning for all. Makes me want to craft. Thank you!!!

    1. WatchMonkeyMama

      Thank you so much Jennifer! I am so glad that you enjoyed my latest blog on Crafting with Children! Hey! Go on and get out your materials and lets plan a zoom to craft! 🙂

  4. Gloria Burke

    Lesley, Sammy is Super Creative! Did I see a cheeseburger with lettuce and a Birthday cake? How clever! The pictures of Sammy and his many creations are Adorable! Thank you for sharing.

    1. WatchMonkeyMama

      Yes! That’s exactly what you saw Gloria! That cheeseburger sure did make me hungry as Sammy was creating it! And the birthday cake is yummy with pink frosting! Thank you for reading my latest blog!

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