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If You Could See What I See

Stop thinking about what others will think about your idea. Focus all of your energy on pushing out that project, new business venture, working on your brand, etc. There will always be naysayers. The “But People” will continue to question your motive and actions. Clearly know when it is time to exit a conversation. Establish the importance of spending your time on positivity instead of negativity. Determine when you need to love from a distance because toxic relationships no longer need to reside where you live. 

Putting yourself first and making yourself a priority will keep you centered on the work that you need to do to get yourself to the next level. The work is essential and it is hard. The beautiful thing though is that YOU get to decide what that next level is. Quieting the noise around you, competing with no one but yourself, and setting your own timeline is what is important. Delayed gratification over instant gratification is the way to go. Do not forget to quiet one more voice as well. The voice inside your head that constantly shows up to sidetrack you is sometimes the loudest. We can be our worst enemy. Self-sabotage is real and requires swift action with speaking directly to our inner voice and shutting it down. 

Being engaged with authentic persons who not only see their glass but your glass as half-full versus half-empty, is a beautiful and selfless blessing. These are the conversations you need to have and the relationships you need to cultivate IF you choose to do so. They are not superficial and will serve you well. They will keep you lifted and grounded all at the same time. And as much as they will feed your soul, you will do the same in return. 

So take that leap of faith. You have one life to live. If not now, then when? If not you, then who? 

If only you could see what I see.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Gloria Burke

    Lesley, you hit the nail on the head with this blog! Great job!!
    Thanks to God and me changing my MINDSET, I have been on this journey for well over a year now.
    Your blog is a reminder that I am on the Path that I should be-My very own.
    The Path that works for me, while rooting for my close circle (which includes YOU) who are ALL Leveling UP!!
    You look Fabulous and I am so very Proud of YOU!!

    1. WatchMonkeyMama

      Thank you Gloria! I am so glad that my words in my blog resonated with you and your successful journey! I am appreciative of the guest blog post you wrote for WatchMonkeyMama a while ago, and look forward to your part 2! I love what you said about mindset. Yes, it is ALL about intentionality and setting our own paths while keeping the outside noises out. I am grateful that we are both there for one another as support. Please know that you continue to inspire me!

  2. Tanique

    Awesome post Lesley. Thank you for this precious reminder. Continue to write and inspire us! Love it

    1. WatchMonkeyMama

      Thank you my friend Tanique! I truly appreciate your kind words after reading my blog. Miss you!

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