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Now, that was awkward!

Everyone has them. Aw come on! Of course you do!  You know…that feeling of embarrassment that follows a situation we suddenly find ourselves in. Sometimes the awkwardness is of our own doing. Am I the only one who has had a clumsy moment or two or three or… you get the point. I have been known to miss a stairwell step or fall over an object. I have also put my foot in my mouth having said the wrong thing to someone. There have also been circumstances when I have remained completely silent at a time when I clearly, should have had something to say. 

So today, which just happens to be “National Awkward Moments Day,” I decided to share some of the awkward moments in my life. Maybe you can relate. Who am I kidding? You better relate! Don’t leave me out here on this awkward island alone. (That would be really awkward). So let’s have fun today! You get to laugh at me and then post a comment sharing an awkward moment of yours so that I can laugh back.

And if today for some odd reason you have an awkward moment, feel free to laugh out loud and shout to the world, (okay…maybe not the world but certainly the persons who will be standing off to the side, looking and pointing at you, and of course laughing), “Today is National Awkward Moments Day guys. So I get a pass!” 

“Thing 1 and Thing 2 in Flight”

Sammy, WatchMonkey, and his MiMi Ma (my mother) were on a flight and trust me… a window was NOT open. Yet, they had identical hairstyles. It was funny. It was a little awkward too, but mostly funny. And it made a heckova picture that will elicit warm and loving feelings for years to come. 

Our infant had an awkward moment when his “paci” (pacifier) suddenly flew out of his mouth! And like a good mommy, I laughed and placed it back in his mouth. 

That awkward moment in church when all at once, your toddler decides to throw his paci from the pew! Now maybe he needed his mouth free to sing spiritual hymns or shout in praise with the pastor’s sermon. I am not sure. But what I do know, is that the look on daddy’s face was priceless!

There’s nothing like receiving sweet, loving kisses from Sammy! I must admit though, that sometimes they can be a little forceful and my gums feel it. True confession here.. I used to give the same forceful, sweet, and loving kisses to my nephew Brian when he was a baby so perhaps, this awkward moment is payback for Aunt Lesley.  

There’s nothing more adorable than sweet cuddles with a new puppy! That is until he literally grabs hold of your pigtail! This was definitely an awkward moment when Charlie took advantage of a selfie moment. I am still trying to teach him to look at the camera and smile, rather than yank my hair. 

So there you have it…a few of my awkward moments for this national day. Now it’s your turn. Post an awkward moment of yours and spread the love! Oops! I mean spread the awkwardness! 

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Paula Causey West

    That hair is halirious lol lol

    1. WatchMonkeyMama

      Isn’t it Paula?! LOL

  2. Gloria Burke

    Great Blog Lesley! Your pictures say it all! Sammy just got so excited about hearing the Pastor’s message, that he forgot he had his pacifier in his hand when he was doing his Hallelujah praise.
    And, perhaps, Charlie thought your pigtail was a chewy toy. Great moments captured!

    1. WatchMonkeyMama

      You called it Gloria! Perhaps that is exactly what was happening in both circumstances. LOL Thank you for reading my blog and next time you have an awkward moment…remember to laugh!

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